Full, natural and shaped lips have been at the center of beauty perception since time immemorial. Lips that are genetically thin or lose volume due to aging can make a person look unhappy, tired and old, while also affecting facial expression. Lip fullness, lip shape and lip symmetry, which are also accepted as an organic component of smile aesthetics, can be improved with lip filling applications.
The ideal lip shape and fullness are not the same for everyone. The size of other organs on the face and their proportion to each other cause the concept of ideal lips to have a personal character. Nevertheless, when it comes to youth and beauty, it can be stated that shaped, symmetrical and full lips have a great effect on the ideal aesthetic appearance.
What is Lip Augmentation?
The medical aesthetic application performed with dermal fillers or fat injection techniques in order to add volume to the lips, improve the shape of the lips and harmonize the lips with the face by eliminating asymmetries in the lip area is called “lip augmentation”.
The presence of hyaluronic acid component in dermal lip filler materials can provide additional benefits such as moisturizing the lips while having plump lips.
Lip filler applications should be performed individually, and after analyzing the facial features of the person, the injection of the filler at the determined dose should be performed carefully.
With lip filler applications planned individually by specialist physicians in the field;
- Lip thickening,
- Lip contouring
- Defining lip contours,
- Removing asymmetries in the lips and
- Benefits such as moisturizing the lips can be achieved simultaneously.
How is Lip Augmentation Performed?
The amount of filler material to be used during lip augmentation and the lip area where the filler materials will be applied may vary. For this reason, it is extremely important to analyze the face before filler injections, to determine the ideal lip shape and to choose the right technique. In some patients, the injection is sufficient only for the upper lip, while some patients may only need contour clarification.
Lip Filling with Dermal Fillers
The most preferred method in lip augmentation treatments is the injection of dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid.
Before the dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid are injected into the lips, the area is numbed by applying local anesthetic cream. Therefore, patients do not feel any pain or soreness during the application.
After the anesthesia takes effect, the fillers are injected into the designated parts of the lips with very fine-tipped needles. The lip augmentation process is completed in about 15-20 minutes.
The change is immediately noticeable after lip augmentation with dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid. It takes about 1 week for the lips to take their full shape. With this period, hyaluronic acid will exhibit its water retention feature.
Those who want to have shaped and full lips are curious about the answer to the question “How many months is lip filling permanent?”. The duration of lip augmentation is 1 year on average, depending on the quality of the fillers used. After this period, lip augmentation can be repeated.
Side effects such as regional sensitivity and redness may occur after lip augmentation performed by specialist physicians, but these side effects will disappear spontaneously within a few days.
It is possible for the patients to go to the controls 1-2 weeks after the lip augmentation application and to have the final touches if needed.
Lip Filling with Fat Injection
Fat injection method can also be preferred for lip augmentation.
Lip augmentation can also be performed with fat injection. Successful results can also be obtained in the fat injection method, which is based on injecting fat cells taken from the person himself/herself into the lips after undergoing special procedures.
Lip augmentation with fat injection is not completely permanent; when performed with the right techniques, the permanence rate can reach 70%. Fat injection into the lips is also a single-session procedure.
As Heraderma, like all our medical aesthetic applications, we plan our lip filler treatment in line with the needs and expectations of our patients and aim to achieve the best results by using the highest quality filling materials.
- Alexandrite Lazer
- Microneedle with Radiofrequency (Morpheus 8)
- Non-Surgical Thread Face-Neck Lift
- Stretch Mark Treatments
- Cosmelan/Dermamelan
- Deep Cleansing Treatments (Dermalogica)
- Filling Applications
- Lip Fillers
- Emsculpt
- Emtone
- Fractional Laser (Resurfx) Treatments
- Eye Contour Mesotherapy (Bruising – Wrinkles)
- Eye Contour and Under Eye Applications
- IPL Vascular Treatment
- Wrinkle Toxin Treatment
- Skin Rejuvenation with lasers
- Filler Applications for Lifting Purposes
- Micropigmentation
- Nd Yag Laser
- Oxygeneo Treatments
- NCTF135 HA
- PB Serum
- Pressotherapy (Lymph Drainage)
- Hair Mesotherapy
- Cellulite Mesotherapy
- Cold Lipolysis
- Vitamin Injection (Facial Mesotherapy)
- Cheek and Cheek Filling