After the age of 25, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases and natural skin aging begins to take effect. Regular touch-up treatments significantly renew the skin, providing vitality, elasticity and smoothness.
Hyaluronic acid injection is a natural and safe anti-aging concept suitable for preventing skin aging of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. Hyaluronic acid applications applied to the general face, which increase the moisture retention of the skin, are also called “Youth Vaccine” and this procedure is applied by physicians.
What are the Benefits of Youth Vaccine?
- Restores natural hyaluronic acid, allowing the skin to store more moisture.
- Triggers the formation of collagen and elastic fibers
- Provides more vibrant, firmer and smoother skin
- Delays the natural skin aging process.
Clinically proven safety and efficacy. The fillers used are not silicone. It consists of hyaluronic acid and is a substance that is already in the composition of our own tissues. Non-permanent materials are always more ideal and provide more natural results.
There are many filler brands available on the market. The prices of these products vary in proportion to their quality. It is important that these products are FDA approved. Depending on the content of the products, fillers are applied to different areas of the face and their duration of permanence may vary. The types of fillers used in cheekbones and cheeks and the types of fillers used for lip augmentation are different. While cheek fillers provide 18-24 months of permanence, the fillers used in the lips are effective for up to 1 year. Other materials other than hyaluronic acid can also be used in the filler.
Calcium hydroxy apatite crystals: Calcium hydroxy apatite crystals have recently gained an important place among facial fillers with their safety and long lasting effect. This FDA-approved product has almost no risk of side effects. While calcium crystals are destroyed by the immune system, it also provides an intense collagen increase. Since facial fillers containing hyaluronic acid are thinner than facial fillers containing calcium hydroxy apatite crystals, they can be easily used on the entire face and hands, including fine wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, lips and nose.
Silicone In the 1960s, silicone began to be used to fill wrinkles on the face. It is not absorbed by the body. Over time, it has lost its popularity as people who have had the application have non-healing wounds and stiffness.
Collagen Facial fillers whose main ingredient is collagen started to be used in the 1980s. However, since the main source of collagen is an animal-derived protein, there is a risk of allergy. An allergy test can be performed in the arm before application. Its permanence is 2-3 months. For this reason, collagen is not used as frequently as in the past.
Acryl-containing substances and Polyacrylamides: Since they are synthetic substances and do not occur naturally in the body, they have the risk of allergic reactions, ulcers and foreign body reactions. Therefore, their use is limited. Their permanence is 3-5 years.
In the treatment of under-eye bagging, it is very important to make the right choice between under-eye fillers or surgery. In cases where you do not want a surgical approach, fillers can be a good alternative, but they will not give the desired result in every type of bagging complaint.
In cases where under-eye bagging is not too much, there is shadowing towards the tear trough. Under-eye fillers fill this space and provide both the reduction and disappearance of the purple appearance and the improvement of the bagging appearance.
How Do Lips Age?
The skin on our lips is constantly moisturized from the inside with hyaluronic acid, a natural sugar. Hyaluronic acid absorbs moisture and keeps your skin hydrated for a youthful appearance. When hyaluronic acid decreases, your skin loses its youthful appearance. Lines form around the mouth and the lips begin to thin.
Signs of Aging on the Lips
- Thinning
- Vertical Lines
- Marionette Lines
- Falling
Improving Lip Shape:
Some lips may need a slight, natural-looking increase in volume, while asymmetrical lips may need a slight correction for proportion.
Lip augmentation is also performed to thicken lips for people with thinner lips than desired.
The fillers used are not silicone, they are composed of hyaluronic acid, a substance that is already present in our own tissues. In the lip augmentation procedure, filling materials with a 6-12 month permanence are injected into the lips.
Filler Application in Under Eye Bagging
In the treatment of under-eye bagging, it is very important to make the right choice between under-eye fillers or surgery. In cases where you do not want a surgical approach, fillers can be a good alternative, but they will not give the desired result in every type of bagging complaint.
In cases where under-eye bagging is not too much, there is shadowing towards the tear trough. Under-eye fillers fill this space and provide both the reduction and disappearance of the purple appearance and the improvement of the bagging appearance.
Under-eye light filling is applied with a cannula with a blunt tip after local anesthetic cream is applied to the area. This area is entered from a single point and the area under and around the eyes is filled with filler. The filler application is given over the bone. It can also be applied with a needle, but bruising and swelling are more common when applied with a needle.
Generally, a single session is sufficient. If necessary, it can be combined with mesotherapies and applied for 2-3 sessions. Depending on the degree of symptoms around the eyes, the genetic factor of the person and the amount used, the effect of the procedure continues for 1-1.5 years.
- Alexandrite Lazer
- Microneedle with Radiofrequency (Morpheus 8)
- Non-Surgical Thread Face-Neck Lift
- Stretch Mark Treatments
- Cosmelan/Dermamelan
- Deep Cleansing Treatments (Dermalogica)
- Filling Applications
- Lip Fillers
- Emsculpt
- Emtone
- Fractional Laser (Resurfx) Treatments
- Eye Contour Mesotherapy (Bruising – Wrinkles)
- Eye Contour and Under Eye Applications
- IPL Vascular Treatment
- Wrinkle Toxin Treatment
- Skin Rejuvenation with lasers
- Filler Applications for Lifting Purposes
- Micropigmentation
- Nd Yag Laser
- Oxygeneo Treatments
- NCTF135 HA
- PB Serum
- Pressotherapy (Lymph Drainage)
- Hair Mesotherapy
- Cellulite Mesotherapy
- Cold Lipolysis
- Vitamin Injection (Facial Mesotherapy)
- Cheek and Cheek Filling